Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 


LinkToAct by Net Zero Technologies (“we”, “us”, or “our”), shares your concerns about maintaining the integrity and privacy of personal information collected on our platform. We are committed to protecting your privacy and this Privacy Policy(“Policy”) is intended to describe our information collection and dissemination practices in connection with our platform located at (, or any website or services that links to or refers to this Policy (collectively, the “Platforms”). 


Please review the entire Policy and feel free to contact us using the contact information below if you have any questions. By using the platforms, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of you information in accordance with the Policy. 



Personal Information We Collect: 


We collect personal information from you when you create an account, sign up for our services, or contact us. This information may include: 

  • Your name 
  • Email address 
  • Phone number 
  • Mailing address 
  • Date of birth 
  • Other information that you choose to provide 


We also collect information about your use of our platform, such as: 

  • The pages you visit 
  • The links you click on 
  • The actions you take 


We may also collect information about your device, including: 

  • IP address 
  • Browser type 
  • Operating system 




How We Use Your Personal Information: 


We use your personal information to provide you with our services, including: 

  • Allowing you to find and participate in environmental action in your community 
  • Issuing redeemable eco credits 
  • We also use your personal information to: 
  • Communicate with you about our services 
  • Improve our platform 


How We Share Your Personal Information: 


We may share your personal information with third parties who help us provide our services. For example, we may share your personal information with: 

  • Our ESG partners upon your participation in environmental actions 
  • Our redeem partners upon redeeming your eco credits 
  • Marketing partners to send you promotional offers 
  • Authorized third-party vendors and service providers. Who help us with specialized services, including billing, payment processing, customer service, email deployment, business analytics, marketing, advertising, performance monitoring, hosting, and data processing 
  • Corporate affiliates, who are subject to this policy 
  • Business transfers, we may share you information with a substantial corporate transaction, such as sale of a website, a merger, consolidation, asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy. 
  • Legal purposes. We may disclose information to respond to subpoenas, court orders, legal process, law enforcement requests, legal claims, or government inquiries, and to protect and defend the rights, interests, health, safety, and security of LinkToAct by Net Zero Technologies, our affiliates, users, or the public. 
  • With you consent or at your direction. We may share information for any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect the information or pursuant to your consent or direction. 
  • If you access third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, or Twitter, through the Sites to login to the Sites or to share information about your experience on the Sites with others, these third-party services may be able to collect information about you, including information about your activity on the Sites, and they may notify your connections on the third-party services about your use of the Sites, in accordance with their own privacy policies. 
  • If you choose to engage in public activities on the Sites, you should be aware that any information you share there can be read, collected, or used by other users of these areas.  You should use caution in disclosing personal information while participating in these areas. We are not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these public areas. 
  • Some of the Sites may contain links to content maintained by third parties that we do not control.  We allow third parties, including business partners, advertising networks, and other advertising service providers, to collect information about your online activities through cookies, pixels, local storage, and other technologies. These third parties may use this information to display advertisements on our Sites and elsewhere online tailored to your interests, preferences, and characteristics.  We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties, and the information practices of these third parties are not covered by this Privacy Policy. 
  • Some third parties collect information about users of our Sites to provide interest-based advertising on our Sites and elsewhere, including across browsers and devices.  These third parties may use the information they collect on our Sites to make predictions about your interests in order to provide you ads (from us and other companies) across the internet.  Some of these third parties may participate in an industry organization that gives users the opportunity to opt out of receiving ads that are tailored based on your online activities.  Due to differences between using apps and websites on mobile devices, you may need to take additional steps to disable targeted ad technologies in mobile apps.  Many mobile devices allow you to opt out of targeted advertising for mobile apps using the settings within the mobile app or your mobile device.  For more information, please check your mobile settings.  You also may uninstall our apps using the standard uninstall process available on your mobile device or app marketplace. To opt out of interest-based advertising across browsers and devices from companies that participate in the digital advertising and marketing opt-out programs, please visit their respective websites. 


We will not sell your personal information to third parties. 




How We Protect Your Personal Information: 


We use a variety of security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. These measures include: 

  • Encryption 
  • Firewalls 
  • Physical security measures 






We use reasonable measures to help protect information from loss, theft, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. You should understand that no data storage system or transmission of data over the internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100 percent secure. Please note that information collected by third parties may not have the same security protections as information you submit to us, and we are not responsible for protecting the security of such information. 




Your Choices: 


You have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information. You also have the right to opt out of receiving promotional communications from us. 


To exercise these rights, please contact us at 




Dispute Resolution: 


In the event of any disputes relating to a contract under this Privacy Policy, you are required to approach us for an amicable resolution first. If an amicable resolution is not reached within (30) days of the notice of invitation for amicable settlement, such dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of UAE to the extent possible under present law. 




International Users: 


We maintain information in the United Arab Emirates and in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates, which may not provide the same level of protection as the laws in your jurisdiction.  By using the Sites and providing us with information, you understand and agree that your information may be transferred to and stored on servers located outside your resident jurisdiction and, to the extent you are a resident of a country other than the United Arab Emirates, that you consent to the transfer of such data to the United Arab Emirates for processing by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy. 




Changes to this Privacy Policy: 


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any changes, we will post the updated Privacy Policy on our platform. 

This Privacy Policy was last updated on October 2,2023. 

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the dispute resolution process, please contact us at 



LinkToAct By Net Zero Technologies 

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